The very popular Mey Market makes a welcome return to the Hall this year, for further information just go to Events.
Mey Market
The very popular Mey Market makes a welcome return to the Hall during 2012.
The following dates have been arranged:
Easter Monday : 9 April
Every Tuesday : 1 May through to 25 September plus 9 and 23 October and
6 and 20 November.
The Market will be open on all the above dates between 10.30am and 3.00pm.
In addition there will be a Christmas Special on Sunday 2 December between11.30am and 3.00pm.
There’s local food, artwork and craftwork for sale and the chance to buy refreshments.
Stalls include the following:
Occasional stalls include:
Any local producer wishing to take a stall should contact Jane Strugnell on 01955 611739, for further information.
Mey Market on Tour
This year the Mey Market is to go on tour with the following venues, dates and times arranged:
Latheron Village Hall : Saturday 9 June between 10.30am and 3.00pm
Reay : Saturday 26 May between 10.30am and 3.00pm
Also, Wick with date yet to be confirmed – watch this space!
Mey Village Hall is managed by Mey Village Hall Trust
Registered Scottish Charity Number SC024554